
UK General Election 2024: cyber security and political change

How future cyber policy decisions could impact businesses in all sectors navigating the evolving cyber threat landscape.

NCC Group is an active member of the global cyber policy community

To download the report visit: Strategic Guidance for Cyber Policy in the Wake of Political Change 2024 - NCC Group | Leading Cyber Security & Managed Services


This is a year like no other. More than 70 countries around the world – including the UK on 4 July – are holding national elections, eight of those in the 10 most populous nations.

As more voters than ever before head to the polls, the actions taken by new governments to keep their citizens safe in today’s digitally interconnected world are critical to maintaining trust in public and financial institutions and unleashing the huge potential of the digital economy.

Crucially, their decisions on future cyber policy will impact how businesses across sectors navigate the evolving cyber threat landscape.

Technological advancement in a year of political change

NCC Group’s new “Digital Dawn: Cyber Security Policy in the Wake of Political Change” report explores the cyber and digital security issues that are front of mind for political stakeholders and what actions incoming governments might want to prioritise to secure a digital future.

What’s inside:


  • Understand the latest public perception and the drivers for cyber policy change
  • Key insights from government advisors
  • Your Digital Security Checklist: cyber policy priorities for government


NCC Group has made this report publicly available to help create a more secure digital future.

For more insights on cyber security check out our dedicated space: Cyber Security

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