
Business insights
Article archive
Q1 2025
Q4 2024
- How to protect your software: copyright, patents, design rights, and trade secrets
- EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): FAQ for businesses
- How a UK Real Estate firm leverages sustainability for long-term success
- How Rotamec’s addressing the skills shortage in manufacturing
- Lessons from Wild Thang’s big year
- How construction firm Henry Brothers won a King’s Award for Enterprise
- Future Biogas: Pioneering sustainable growth in the renewable energy sector
- Decarbonising healthcare buildings: your guide to sustainable retrofit solutions
- New report highlights latest cyber security regulation trends
- Transform to thrive: strategic musts for UK energy sector leaders
- How one tech business is scaling rapidly without compromising core value
- Unlocking innovation:key strategies for TMT businesses
- Propel growth with talent and technology
- From lawyer to leader: insights on building a future-proof law firm
- Unlocking value: how to secure growth in commercial real estate
- Planting the seeds of growth: key strategies for agriculture businesses
- Fit for the future: strategic insights for UK agriculture firms
- Rebuilding for success: strategic growth in the construction sector
- The UK Real Estate Digest: recovery on the horizon?
- Fit for the future: strategic insights for UK technology firms
- The value of retrofitting in hotels and hospitality
- Embracing opportunity: strategic actions for healthcare businesses
- How a care home construction firm overcame supply chain shocks
- Plan your upgrade to Windows 11 now
- Autumn Budget 2024: four predictions for businesses
Q3 2024
- Building a local resource for collaboration
- Embracing opportunity: key strategies for mobility and logistics businesses
- Fit for the future: Switch Management Limited
- General Election ’24: the takeaway for business
- Get fit for the future with sustainable practices
- How to drive value through your IP
- Is your school safe from fraudsters?
- Joe Seels: agriculture has a bright future, despite challenges
- King’s speech: what businesses can expect
- New tachograph legislation is imminent: are you prepared?
- Preparing for the EU Cyber Resilience Act
- Retrofit and other solutions to make the built environment more sustainable
- Resetting manufacturing for tomorrow’s opportunities
- Scaling up retrofit in non-domestic buildings
- Strategies for businesses in the retail, wholesale and leisure sector
- Supply chain sustainability: strategic Insights from Shaun McCarthy OBE
- Sustainability and talent: a strategic imperative for business
- The role of Software Escrow in protecting business interests
- Why biometrics is key to staying safe online
- Why you should care about your copyright
Q2 2024
- Backing family businesses in 2024
- Carbon Planner: helping an IT business stay on target
- Driving the automotive transition
- Finance for manufacturing: Make UK research highlights
- How investment fraud could impact your business
- How to protect your intellectual property (2024)
- How trade marks protect valuable IP assets
- Innovation Zero: The Power of Partnerships
- Investing to save energy and reduce costs
- New data shows clear benefits of getting your business future-ready
- Nurturing talent: Strategies in a competitive market
- Professional services: unlock the potential of technology
- Retrofitting to avoid stranded assets
- Solving the productivity puzzle in manufacturing
- Stange & Co: investing in people for the future
- Supply chains: are you fit for the future?
- Sustainable business: are you fit for the future?
- Talent: are you fit for the future?
- Technology: are you fit for the future?
- The Power of Partnerships: collaboration for net zero
- UK General Election 2024: cyber security and political change
- Using AI and satellites to measure biodiversity
- What you need to know about cybercrime in 2024
- Why high levels of trust result in high-performing teams
- Why monitoring staff wellbeing could help prevent fraud
Q1 2024
- Are AI scams a threat to your business?
- Are your business finances on track?
- Climate-Related Supply Chain Reporting Support
- Did you file your tax return on Christmas Day?
- Director Guidance and Support: Past, Future
- Domestic Heatmaps for Energy Bill Reduction
- Energy spotlight: Centrica
- Energy spotlight: Harbour Energy
- Energy spotlight: SSE
- Flexible working: how the law is changing
- Helping businesses find energy-saving solutions
- How to avoid being taken in by recruitment fraud
- Made in the UK: Automation and Industrial Renaissance
- Manufacturing outlook: International growth
- Maximise impact through collaboration
- Red Sea attacks: trade down but no impact on inflation yet
- Retail and leisure outlook for 2024
- Six megatrends shaping business in 2024
- Spotlight on: Robotics
- Spring Budget 2024: key takeaways for businesses
- Supporting employees taking family leave
- Trade Tracker: China, the US and the de minimis exception
- Trading places: understanding the UK’s new border rules
- Unlocking growth with R&D grants and tax relief
- Unlocking the power of ideas
Q4 2023
- Accelerating retrofit: a new upskilling opportunity
- Ballot Box Year: Elections' Policy Influence
- Can IT leasing support a more circular tech economy?
- Can your cash strategy withstand liquidity risks?
- Cash management: 3 ways to better efficiency
- Could electric vehicles be adding to trade tensions?
- Could geopolitical tensions escalate in 2024?
- Could the race to net zero lose steam in 2024?
- Energy spotlight: EDF
- Family business week: Wild Thang
- Financial Difficulty Management Tips for Business Owners
- Global Lifestyle Franchise Expansion in Northern Ireland
- Guarding against card fraud
- How resilient will financial markets remain in 2024?
- How the dairy industry can become more sustainable
- Inspirational Women in Construction Celebration
- Keeping up with customer demand
- Manufacturing outlook: robotics and automation
- Monetary policy: what to expect in 2024
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: November
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: October
- Net zero 2050: The future of construction
- Pushing back on purchase scams
- Slowdown in milk production expected
- Smart Deposits Strategy for Working Capital
- Supply Chain Resilience: Beyond Reshoring
- Sustainability and the sunny side up
- Technology's Role in Sustainable Poultry Farming
- The 20s economy: hardly soaring, yet far from boring
- The future of energy
- The future of retail
- Understand the cybersecurity impact of AI
- What’s next for China in 2024?
- Will companies invest or sit on the side-lines in 2024?
- Your guide to tracking and defending against malware
Q3 2023
- AI: Is it relevant for your business?
- Carbon Planner: Your Emissions Intensity Score
- Effective strategies for transitioning fleets to electric
- Electrifying Business Vehicles: Key Considerations
- Electrifying your vehicles: What are the options?
- Franchising world eyes opportunities to grow
- How Charlotte Ashley turned an unusual passion into business success – The Lombard Business Show
- How to create a sustainable business model
- Leadership lessons: How Legacy Hotel Management Services is building resilience
- Manufacturing outlook: Supply chains
- Measure to manage decarbonisation
- Minimizing Risk in Vendor Onboarding
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: July 2023
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: August 2023
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: September 2023
- Protect your business from summer scams
- New Approaches for Extreme Weather Farming
- Regulating AI: what should the tech sector expect?
- Royal Highland Show: the future of farming
- Strategies for Cyber Incident Preparedness
- Sustainable approaches to poultry farming
- Taking up the challenge of transforming a fleet
- The outlook for manufacturing
- The success of a business with a local focus
Q2 2023
- A quick guide to environmental management systems
- A quick guide to science-based targets
- Full expensing: what your business needs to know
- How does wheat availability and demand look heading into next season?
- How to build sustainable workforces with purpose
- How to calculate your cyber risk exposure
- How to deal with late business payments
- How to drive your clean energy transition
- How to protect your business from screen-sharing scams
- Innovation and technology in transport: five ways ahead
- Insider fraud: has the cost-of-living crisis increased the risk to your business?
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: April
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: May
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: June
- New report highlights the way ahead for sustainable agriculture
- Regenerative Agriculture: Emission Reduction
- Sector outlook: What happens next for agriculture?
- Should your business move to cleaner vehicles?
- The shift to digital – where next for business?
- What’s changing for small businesses in the 2023/24 tax year?
- Why heat pumps could be good for business
Q1 2023
- Are you prepared for 2023 economic conditions?
- Construction Sector Priorities: Prices, People, Purpose
- Embrace cleaner energy to get your business future fit
- Granting growth in the UK
- How a wider take on sustainability can get your business future fit for 2023 and beyond
- How commercial real estate businesses can prepare for sustainable growth
- How innovation and resilience can prepare mobility and logistics businesses for the future
- How romance scams can threaten your business
- How sustainable innovation can lead to good growth
- How the Great Unretirement can close the skills gap
- Invest in untapped digital innovation opportunities to save now and get future fit
- Investing in a long-term vision will make manufacturers fit for the future
- Investing in cyber security: adapt today to protect your business tomorrow
- Manufacturing outlook: energy resilience
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: December
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: February
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: March
- Prove purpose to win talent
- Renewable and utilities businesses get fit for the future by delivering with purpose
- Renewables, tech and sustainability drive farming’s efforts to get future fit
- Strengthen cyber resilience and manage threats today
- Sustainability and survivability are concurrent goals for consumer industries
- The Spring Budget: welcome news but hard choices
- TMT Businesses: Developing Talent for Future
- Tough Supply Chain Decisions for Future Fitness
- Why a holistic approach is key to future-proofing professional services firms
Q4 2022
- Autumn Statement 2022: key points at a glance for business
- Beware Fraudsters: Basic Payment Scheme
- Energy Market Outlook 2023: Running on Empty
- Family Business Week: every employee is a family member to Platts Agriculture Ltd
- Family Business Week: how GAP Group supports local communities across the UK
- Family Business Week: Portakabin's Family Values
- Family Business Week: strong relationships make a strong and agile business for EA Stephens
- Fuelling the fire: the biggest geopolitical risks to look out for in 2023
- Growing cyber-security threats – are you ready to protect your business?
- High costs needn’t prevent SMEs investing in electric vehicles
- How does the mini budget U-turn alter the course for markets & the UK economy?
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: November 2022
- Moving Beyond Gas-Fired Inflation: 2023 Policy
- Restarting Green Energy Transition: Nuclear Option
- The Lombard Business Show Sustainability Special: How can businesses build sustainable chains in disruptive times?
- The Lombard Business Show Sustainability Special: How can businesses create more eco-friendly workplaces and make savings?
- The Lombard Business Show: Sustainability Special: Is now the time for businesses to switch to renewable energy?
- The UK Autumn Statement preview: shoring up revenues, scaling back spending
Pre-Q4 2022
- A conversation with… Cooper King Distillery
- A quick guide to: air source heat pumps
- A quick guide to: building management systems
- A quick guide to: ground source heat pumps
- A quick guide to: harvesting rainwater
- A quick guide to: improving fleet efficiency systems
- A quick guide to: making your business more water efficient
- A quick guide to: minimising air travel for freight
- A quick guide to: purchasing alternative materials with lower embodied emissions
- A quick guide to: renewable electricity supply
- A quick guide to: replacing domestic flights with rail travel
- A silver lining for retirement villages?
- A springboard to recovery: Building back better together
- A UK mini budget with big implications
- Accelerating innovation: how farmers can utilise agri-tech
- Addressing the haulage industry’s recruitment crisis
- Agriculture news: a 2022 outlook for beef and lamb
- Agri-tech outlook 2022, part 2: new technology to meet challenges
- Boris Johnson's Resignation: New Economic Risks
- Business planning: how to future-proof your business
- Butcher’s: barking up the right tree
- Buying vehicles: a guide for small construction companies
- Capital allowances – fact sheet
- Carbon calculators: simplifying the journey
- Change or get left behind
- Charity shops plan for the future
- Cloud Resilience: Software as a Service
- Combatting Homeworking Pain: Company Initiative
- Company cars: the wider benefits of electric
- Cost of living crisis: business insurance
- Cost of living crisis: can businesses save money by switching to renewable sources?
- Cost of living crisis: energy efficiency tips for manufacturing businesses
- Cost of living crisis: how business services companies could make savings on their energy costs
- Cost of living crisis: how can digital services firms save on their energy bills?
- Cost of living crisis: how pub and restaurant owners could save on their energy bills
- Cost of living crisis: how the hotel sector could make savings on energy bills
- Cost of living crisis: how travel businesses could save on energy costs
- Cost of living crisis: Mr MoneyJar’s six ways to keep on top of business costs
- Cost of living crisis: negotiating with suppliers
- Cost of living crisis: saving on business property costs
- Cost of living crisis: the six scams businesses need to watch out for
- Cost of living crisis: tips to help you and your workforce relieve the financial pressures and improve well-being
- Could your business recycle better? Find out how this storage company did it
- Covid-19 consumer trends and the evolving food market
- Current trends: the pros and cons of e-van investment
- Cyber security and beyond: the essentials
- Cyber security: how to build a strong fraud prevention defence for your business
- Digital solutions for the climate challenge
- Does AD pay off on smaller farms?
- Dragons’ Den versus real-life angels
- Dream Bigger: inspiring young entrepreneurs
- Driving the transition to electric vehicles
- Economic Insights: Biden’s Crucial Second Year
- Electric cars: seeing sense
- Embracing the alternative
- Employee ownership trusts: your questions answered
- Employee ownership: how does it work in practice?
- Eos Deal Advisory: disruptive and diverse
- Family business management: our webinar
- Family business spotlight: how Dunsters Farm is boosting business resilience
- Family business spotlight: how dynamic thinking is creating opportunities for Westmorland
- Family business: a key sector of the UK economy
- Farm business management: How to review your farm business
- Farming: inspiring young hearts and minds
- Female farmers dig in their heels
- Franchise finance: how to secure the right deal
- Fraud watch: why use a password manager?
- Future of Construction: Supply Chain Challenges
- Gasrec drives gas refuelling network for HGVs
- Generous tax breaks on Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
- Get a digital boost to help your small business grow
- Global Recycling Day: don’t waste the opportunity
- Going green: why sustainable hotels are attracting investment
- Green Business Builders Podcasts: Climate Insights
- Green is good: how the Scarlet hotel has blazed a trail
- Hire purchase vs contract hire: the tax implications
- Homeworking and the future of company cars
- Hospitality and leisure: six top tips for attracting talent post-pandemic
- How Dundee’s video games sector powered up
- How to deal with mental health and money concerns
- How to manage cyber risks across your supply chain
- How to protect your intellectual property
- How to: achieve B Corp certification
- In the driver’s seat: an automotive trade growth story
- Industry insights: health and fitness
- Interest rates and the retail sector
- Interest rates: how the rise might affect your business
- Is your farm adequately insured?
- It’s a fair CoP: Confirmation of Payee explained
- Keep it in the family
- Launching the ‘100 Female Entrepreneurs to Watch’ list
- Life after coronavirus: professional services
- Made in Sheffield
- Magazines turning the page in the age of digital
- Making manufacturing a diverse and rewarding career
- Managing and supporting hybrid and flexible working
- Managing financial difficulty: tips for getting back on track
- Manufacturing insights: the pros and cons of reshoring
- Marketing tips for eco-friendly hotels
- Meat Business Women: the challenge of change
- Micromobility UK: real opportunities for UK businesses
- Micromobility: a huge opportunity for industry and society
- Modern Slavery Risks for SMEs
- Money back guarantee: tackling refund fraud
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: August 2022
- Monthly UK Economic Outlook: September 2022
- NatWest Future Fit: transformation in transport
- New mentoring scheme for female entrepreneurs
- New planning rules make room for farmers to grow
- New report highlights finance needs in sustainable farming
- No boys allowed? Girls’ schools adapt to changing times
- Office Return 2021: Secure Staff Return
- Optimise your biogas production
- Plastic packaging tax: is your business ready?
- Powered micro vehicles: the future of low-impact, urban transport
- Prices versus plantings: a potato market insight
- Pride of place: Inverness
- Primary care: is telemedicine here to stay?
- Proud to Be: Ashleigh Ainsley, co-founder of Colorintech
- Proud to Be: Lydia Ofori, founder of Hunter Labs Tech
- Pushing the bar in sustainable building
- Quick Guide: Lower Emission Materials
- Rav Bumbra: championing women in tech
- Reaching net zero: a feast of options for food and drink
- Renewable energy: a bright future
- Renewables and EV charging make the perfect pair
- Robotics in the dairy sector
- Sector update: the people power of purpose
- Security fundamentals: eight basics you need to get right
- Seven golden rules of supply chain management
- Seven ideas to ring up the sales on Black Friday
- Skincare start-up turns coffee grounds into pounds
- Sleepeezee's Solar Investment for Growth
- Smart farming: why it pays to invest in technology
- SMEs: Inclusion, Diversity, Equality Essentials
- Solarcentury: saluting the sun
- Spring Statement: in numbers
- Supply chain pressures: four reasons to be optimistic
- Supply chains and sustainability: retail
- Sustainable Manufacturing Insights: Webinar Series
- Sustainable Packaging Considerations for SMEs
- Sustainable Resilience in SaaS Environments
- Sustainable supply chains and the importance of end-to-end decarbonisation
- Switching to Electric Vehicles: Perfect Time
- Technology Focus: Agri-tech outlook 2022 part 3: the latest innovations in farming
- The business case for the green transition
- The case for build-to-rent
- The Equality Act: know your responsibilities
- The future of the construction industry: how skills, supply chains and the demand for housing and decarbonisation are shaping the sector
- The future of the construction industry: levelling up the UK
- The future of the construction industry: what businesses can do to reduce their carbon emissions
- The future of transport: autonomous vehicles
- The future of transport: electric vehicles
- The future of UK food and drink trade
- The Lombard Business Show Sustainability Special: Is the fuel crisis a sustainability opportunity?
- The lowdown on broiler farming
- The lowdown on employee fraud
- The professional’s guide to sustainability and ESG
- The pros and cons of two-part pricing
- The rise of the e-scooter
- The sustainable business opportunity and why it matters more than ever
- The turning tide towards sustainable products and how to meet consumer needs
- The UK micromobility market: a low-carbon opportunity
- The Year Ahead 2022: Business Implications
- Top 10 tech innovations in warehousing
- Ukraine crisis: how will FX and energy prices be affected?
- Updating the Mobile Homes Act
- Vishing tackled: phone scams
- What does the Sustainable Farming Incentive mean to farmers?
- What is future mobility – and why should you care?
- What the UK Spring Statement means for businesses
- What’s the prognosis for GP partnerships?
- Why EVs can give businesses the edge
- Why retailers should give ex-offenders a chance